Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goodbye Last Year...Hello New Year and Goals

As the year comes to a close, I've been thinking about things that I wanted to do that I really haven't, and goals for the next year. So here are my main goals for 2013 in order of importance.

-Get a new job, one that isn't in retail
     For serious on this. I'm tired of retail hell in Wal-Mart and I can't really stand it for much longer. I am glad that I got experience from it. But after over a year of working there, retail isn't for me and I can't stand rude people that I've met in my job

-Lose weight, hit my goal of 130-140lbs
     Though I've been losing weight slowly I am going to be more serious about it this year. For real. I'm pretty much stopping eating out at work and eating at fast food restaurants and everything. Even though it's easier to buy food than make it... I'm going to try my best and keep the weight off and not bounce back. Also I'm using some apps from my new iPod and it's really helping me document my progress.

-Save money, for future goals
    Pretty much, I want to just save money just in case of a rainy day or the fact that I want to go travel and do lots of things. So I'm contemplating purchases pretty well and not just impulse buying now. Which is sometimes a hard thing but I am going to do my best to save money. I'm already starting off pretty strong though.

-Wear lolita more, buy more colors
    Though I love lolita, I pretty much neglected it last year except for Anime Expo. So next year I'm going to wear it more. And buy more colors except for pink and white. As I'm getting on in years (lol 26 already) I need to diversify my colors and buy other colors, some that I can wear easier without having to think about it.

Though there are probably more things that I could probably write about, nothing is coming to my mind at the moment. But at least I listed out my most important things. Hopefully I can fulfill them pretty soon.

Here's looking at you 2013!

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck in your resolutions!! I haven't even really thought of any yet... oops! XD
