Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Q-Pot Merry Sweet Party

If there's one brand I love with all my heart, it's Q-Pot. Q-Pot is a Japanese brand of accessories made by Tadaaki Wakamatsu. There will be more about Q-Pot specifically in another post. I have a review of the US shopping site. But for now I'll be talking about the winter items that have just been put up for sale.
Merry Sweet Party Banner taken from Q-Pot online store
Merry Sweet party contains a few subcategories; condensed milk, merry sweet party, ice box cookie and gingerbread man. And here is a picture from the site of the items listed.
Listings for the items as seen on Q-Pot's webstore
The items themselves are really varied and I love the use of wood for the holiday. It seems that Q-Pot is using a lot more wood and other materials in their new pieces and it's a very interesting turn. But I must admit that my favorite items out of this whole seasonal collection are the condensed milk items.

Though I do realize that the items are just remakes of the other items in the melt series, the new color is so lovely. Also I am fond of the icebox pierce and earring.

A note on the pierces and earrings though... They're sold as individuals instead of as a set. The reason being the idea is to mix and match them with other earrings to create your perfect look.

Overall the series is nice, though a few items would look weird to wear outside of the winter season.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like such a cheapskate because I -love- the melt ring and a bunch of these accessories but I can't bring myself to purchase them >_<
    Cute [lolita] accessories why you so expensive!!!! *shakes fist*
