Monday, January 7, 2013

Lolita Fashion Resolutions for 2013

Though I have some regular resolutions up I wanted to do a specific one on lolita fashion resolutions that I want to achieve in 2013. Most of these, if not all pretty much just regard my closet and what I want to fill inside of them.

-Buy at least five main pieces that aren't pink
   I have a problem with just sticking with one color. And while it is a color I really love... Getting other clothes with different colors would be nice. Black is the second biggest color in my wardrobe but that's including the Fancy Egg series stuff I preordered from Metamorphose. Don't get me wrong I super LOVE the color pink, but I want a lot more variety in my wardrobe not just one color.

-Buy at least one item either in the Alice or Trump (playing card) theme
   When I got into lolita, Alice in Wonderland and Trump card dresses were all the rage. And I want something in my collection to reflect that. While I do have one bag from Angelic Pretty that has a trump theme I want a main piece though.
Angelic Pretty-Trump Jacket
-Buy at least one black and white blouse
    This also was a problem with having a mainly pink wardrobe. I have only blouses and blazers that are pink, not much of anything else. So I need to get at least one black and one white blouse. I'll probably be looking towards getting them off of taobao instead of buying them from brand as I am still too big for most brand blouses, and they're rather expensive first hand being $200.

-Get at least one piece from an Otome brand
    I really like Jane Marple and Emily Temple Cute. And you can always find at least something shirred like a fully elastic skirt or at least a dress with entire back shirring, so I'd love to get a piece from either of the brands. Doesn't matter to me if it's a first hand or second hand item, just as long as I really like it that's the important part.
Emily Temple Cute-Cake Dress
Maybe I'll add more later, but as of right now, this is all I can think of.


  1. I have this problem with my "fillers" (blouses and such) but with whites. I need to buy a lavender blouse. I have also been searching like crazy for a brown one I like, but may have to end up making it.


    1. I should probably learn how to sew instead of getting other people to sew for me, probably would make things a lot easier instead of buying/commissioning everything.
